Swedish raspberry caves

Swedish raspberry caves

These are maybe the most famous of the Swedish cookies (shortbread). I must admit that the first time I baked Swedish raspberry caves was about six months ago. I have always been a chocolate person, and before I met my husband 90% of my cakes were with chocolate. He loves berries, and that’s the reason I started to bake with berries too. If you are into berries too; don’t forget to try my raspberry and white chocolate cheesecake!

I had tried the raspberry caves a few times at cafes, but never thought of making them myself. But when I did, I was completely hooked. I think I made them three times the first weeks, and it’s still the most popular thing for me to bake. You can make them several days before you eat them, but nothing is better that eating them warm from the oven. I have tasted them every 5 minutes from taking out them of the oven, and my scientific conclusion is that they are best 15 minutes after newly baked… They are perfectly soft and crispy at the same time, and melts just like butter in your mouth. This batch gives you 20 and believe me if I say that it’s just enough for three to four persons (one to two if it’s me eating with you)!

A big thanks to “the queen of cookies” Birgitta Rasmusson for the recipe.

Recipe for classic raspberry caves (Swedish hallongrottor)

  • 200 g salted butter, cold or almost room temperature
  • 1 dl sugar
  • 4.5 dl flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1.5 dl raspberry jam

Preheat oven to 175 degrees C and line a tray with small paper muffin cases.

Stir butter and sugar smoothly. Mix vanilla sugar, baking powder and flour together and stir it into the butter and sugar mixture. Work together into a dough, but don’t overwork it.

Form the dough into a roll, about 20 cm long. Cut into 20 pieces.

Roll the pieces into balls and place in small muffins cases. Press with a finger or the back of a spatula into each dough ball. This will create a deep “cave” in every cookie.

Put some raspberry jam, half to one teaspoon, in each cave, and bake for 18 minutes.

  • 200 g smör, lite kallare än rumstempererat
  • 1 dl socker
  • 4.5 dl vetemjöl
  • 1 tsk bakpulver
  • 1 tsk vaniljsocker
  • 1.5 dl hallonsylt
Gör så här

Sätt ugnen på 175 grader C och placera små muffinsformar (eller bakplåtspapper) på en plåt.

Rör om smör och socker tillsammans. Blanda vaniljsocker, bakpulver och mjöl och blanda in i  smör- och sockerblandningen. Arbeta ihop till en deg, men överarbeta den inte. Jobba snabbt med händerna så att du inte värmer upp degen, eller använd degkrokar.

Forma degen till en rulle, ca 20 cm lång. Skär i 20 stycken bitar. Rulla bitarna till bollar och placera i muffinsformarna/plåten. Tryck med ett finger eller baksidan av en slickepott/slev i varje degboll. Detta kommer att skapa en djup “grotta” i varje kaka.

Lägg lite (ca en tesked) hallonsylt i varje grotta och baka i 18 minuter. Mumsa i dem direkt eller förvara i en kakburk.

Följ gärna mig på Instagram (klicka här) för att inte missa några uppdateringar.

Variation ideas for this fika

The best thing with raspberry caves is that you can fill it with whatever you want. It’s very common to change the raspberry jam for strawberry jam. So, go on to try with your favourite jam and see if you like it or not. Or why not something else like dulce de leche? Please let me know if you try a new filling and how it worked together with this buttery cookie.

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