Easy 3 ingredient chocolate mousse / Chokladmousse

3 ingredient chocolate mousse lchf

Do you also have days when you carve something delicious, but don’t have the time or energy to bake something for you? Then this quick chocolate mousse is the perfect dessert to mix together. Only cream, egg yolks and chocolate are needed! Use dark chocolate to make it low carb or choose a sweeter one for a sweeter result. I usually prefer between 60% or 80%, and today I chose Vahlrona 68%. Lindt 70% is a safe bet, and you can choose a flavoured one if you prefer that.

Add a flavour if you want to. Maybe some coffee or orange peel? I like to add a pinch of vanilla powder, but it’s really optional. Serve with fresh raspberries or any other topping you like. And of course, a big thanks to my friend Carla who shared this recipe with me.

Don’t miss out my other quick chocolate recipes. Maybe my mud cake muffins with nutella? Or with salted caramel? Follow me on Instagram (fikawithm) if you would like updates every time I post a new recipe.

Total time

15 min + chill time

Prep time

15 min

Cook time

0 min


4-5 large or 6 medium portions

Recipe for easy 3 ingredient low carb chocolate mousse (lchf chokladmousse)

  • 100 g chocolate (I like to use around 70% cocoa), chopped
  • 3 dl whipping cream
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Vanilla or any other flavour (optional)

Watch a video of me making this mousse on Instagram. Click here.

Melt the chocolate and let cool while you are whiping the cream.

Whip the cream but not too thick, and fold the egg yolks into the cream.

Add a large scoop of the cream mixture to the chocolate and fold it together. Add the chocolate mixture to rest of the cream and fold together until an even mousse. Divide the mousse into dessert bowls. Let chill in the fridge and add the topping just before serving. The longer time you refridgerate it, the thicker it gets. I like to let it chill for at least 30 minutes, but sometimes I eat it directly. Enjoy!

Dont forget to follow me on Instagram (Click here) for all the updates!

  • 100 g choklad (Jag gillar att använda runt 70% kakao), hackad
  • 3 dl vispgrädde
  • 2 äggulor
  • Vanilj eller annan smaksättning (valfritt)
Gör så här:

Titta på en video hur jag gör denna mousse på Instagram. Klicka här.

Smält chokladen och låt svalna medan du vispar grädden.

Vispa grädden (men inte för tjockt), blanda därefter äggulorna i grädden.

Tillsätt en stor skopa av gräddblandningen i chokladen och rör ihop. Tillsätt chokladblandningen till resten av grädden och blanda tills du får en jämn mousse. Dela moussen i efterrättskålar. Låt stå i kylen och tillsätt toppningen strax före servering. Ju längre tid du har den i kylen, desto tjockare blir den. Jag gillar att låta den stå i kylen i minst 30 minuter, men ibland äter jag den direkt. Njut!

Glöm inte att följa mig på Instagram (Klicka här) för att få uppdateringar om nya recept.

Variation ideas for this fika

Try new mousse every time by changing the chocolate you use!

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